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Preowned Production Knives

Preowned Production Knives

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160 products


Raptor V2Raptor V2
Yeager V3 Non-FlipperYeager V3 Non-Flipper
Tactical Response 2 - Black Handle W/ Textured Corners Tritium Push Button Black Magnacut Blade T203-OPERATORTactical Response 2 - Black Handle W/ Textured Corners Tritium Push Button Black Magnacut Blade T203-OPERATOR
Dawn V2Dawn V2
Custom Division MidiQCustom Division MidiQ
XM-18 3.5" - S45VN Spearpoint - Tri-Way - Bead Blasted - Black HardwareXM-18 3.5" - S45VN Spearpoint - Tri-Way - Bead Blasted - Black Hardware
CKF Sokosha (A. Marfione / A. Malyshev Design)CKF Sokosha (A. Marfione / A. Malyshev Design)
1998 SpecWar B1998 SpecWar B
Preowned Emerson Knives
HUMMV-K Sale price$1,500.00
Old School Mach 1Old School Mach 1
Stealth SF S/N 20Stealth SF S/N 20
CDX - Titanium Handle - S90V Blade - SRRBSCDX - Titanium Handle - S90V Blade - SRRBS
Mini Goblin - Smooth Burnished Titanium Handle - Burnished W/ Polished Flats M390 BladeMini Goblin - Smooth Burnished Titanium Handle - Burnished W/ Polished Flats M390 Blade
Mini Goblin - Smooth Titanium Handle - Stonewashed M390 BladeMini Goblin - Smooth Titanium Handle - Stonewashed M390 Blade
Veyron - Titanium Handle - 20CV BladeVeyron - Titanium Handle - 20CV Blade
Preowned Strider Knives
SNG Sale price$800.00
F95 Icebreaker - Special Edition - M390 Blade - MRBSF95 Icebreaker - Special Edition - M390 Blade - MRBS
F3 Aquatic - Special Edition - "Deep Sea" TechnoCarbo Handle - Vanax 37 Blade - MRBSF3 Aquatic - Special Edition - "Deep Sea" TechnoCarbo Handle - Vanax 37 Blade - MRBS
Blackside Customs SLCC Fixed BladeBlackside Customs SLCC Fixed Blade
Arius - Titanium/Smooth Carbon Fiber Handle - Burnished W/ Polished Flats M390 BladeArius - Titanium/Smooth Carbon Fiber Handle - Burnished W/ Polished Flats M390 Blade
Mini Arius - Patterned Titanium Handle - Blue Hardware -  Burnished W/ Polished Flats M390 BladeMini Arius - Patterned Titanium Handle - Blue Hardware -  Burnished W/ Polished Flats M390 Blade
Machine Ground AD20S - No Slot - MagnaCut Blade - Black G10 HandleMachine Ground AD20S - No Slot - MagnaCut Blade - Black G10 Handle
0777, 0777-M390, and 0777-M390BLK Set0777, 0777-M390, and 0777-M390BLK Set